Fiscal Impact Analysis

Virginia Enterprise Zones


Expert Analysis Backed by Experience

Fiscal Impact Analysis

When you engage Ted Figura Consulting, you and your staff will benefit by being able to independently validate the fiscal impacts claimed by developers and by being better informed when negotiating development incentives with private sector partners.  You will be able to provide that extra measure of confidence for your Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors or City Council.  Ted Figura Consulting offers a variety of fiscal impact analysis services to meet these needs, including:

Ted Figura Consulting answers the key fiscal impact question: Will the proposed development require the locality to devote more resources to providing services for the development or will it generate excess revenue?

Conventional wisdom states that residential development does not pay for itself and that providing services to a locality’s residents requires revenues from industrial and commercial development or from higher taxes on households.  The conventional wisdom is not always correct.  The ability of residential development to pay for itself is affected by household income levels and demographic makeup.   

Ted Figura Consulting will provide the tools your community needs to be able to account for the unique factors inherent in each proposed development.  Ted Figura takes a careful variable cost/variable revenue approach to fiscal impact analysis which counts only those costs and revenues actually attributable to the proposed development.  Ted Figura Consulting takes pains against double-counting of revenues from households and commercial establishments or overestimation by assuming that retail sales from a proposed development result in 100% corresponding increase in tax revenue for a locality.  Ted Figura’s realistic and conservative methodology is born out of his almost three decades of service in the public sector and his keen awareness of the importance of being a good fiscal steward of the public’s resources.

View Ted Figura’s expertise in fiscal impact analysis

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